Did you know?Did you know? Yellowjackets and other stinging insects send over 500,000 people to the emergency room each year.
Did you know?Did you know? Unlike bees, yellow jackets don’t have the brown hair all along their bodies and they don’t carry pollen from flower to...
It Can Be PainfullThe yellow jacket's sting is extremely painful, and they are known to sting relentlessly when provoked. They have lance-like stingers...
Shiiiiii!It is very easy to agitate yellow jackets. There have been instances when sounds and vibrations coming from lawn mowers have triggered an...
Sugar timeYellow jackets will change their diet to include more sugars as the summer progresses. Because natural food sources begin to dry up, they...
Protect your petsA smart step to prevent Yellowjackets attacking your pets is to keep pet food and other sources of protein indoors. Yellowjackets, really...
YellowjacketFound throughout U.S., yellowjackets are most active in the late summer and early autumn when a colony is at its peak. They are...