Whose afraid of the big bad Wolf Spider
They’re hairy, ugly and have eight eyes. That alone will make homeowners want to keep wolf spiders out of their homes. The good news is they are not aggressive. The bad news is, they will bite if provoked. And although their eight eyes make them good predators for smaller insects, they may not be able to tell your finger from a cricket. Wolf Spiders are considered poisonous, but not lethal.
Nonetheless, a wolf spider bite can be quite painful, especially for children and the elderly. Some people have strong reactions to these bites as well. If a wolf spider bite penetrates the skin, you may have pain, swelling and the bite location may itch. Most symptoms last only a few minutes, but in some cases a wound can take days to heal.
If you are bitten by a wolf spider, wash the wound with soap and water immediately. If there is swelling, use an ice pack. Do not put a bandage on the wound as that will hinder it from healing. A tetanus shot is recommended after a spider bite.
Distinguishing a wolf spider from other spiders is easy once you know what to look for. You will not find spider webs, as these spiders hunt their prey. Although they may look like tarantulas or recluse spiders, they are smaller, usually between ½” to 1.25” in length. They are dark brown and have bristles on their legs that make them look hairy. Two of their eight eyes are larger, and will reflect the beam of a flashlight. If you suspect you have wolf spiders in your home, set out after dark with a flashlight, since that is when the nocturnal pest hunts for food. But you have to be quick – a wolf spider can move two feet per second! You will most likely find them where they will find other insects to hunt such as door frames, plants, windows, and in humid basements and garages.